Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Vintage Ikea

I once read someone describe Ikea as ‘fine as long as you treat it like a charity shop- one thing in a thousand will be perfect!’. I am not sure that I would go that highbrow and snooty but I get the sentiment. I do like that most things are designed well, as in someone has actually thought about the items form and use, and I do genuinely like Ikea’s Scandinavian interiors, albeit the diluted version we get. Drawbacks are the durability of some items- we have certainly seen some things come and go through the years that just do not stand the test of time and wear. The older I get the more I am thinking about quality over price. Anyway when I look round our home there are a few things that I love that Ikea just do not seem to major in anymore. Wooden storage boxes being one- birch ply used to be the Ikea stock standard- I have one wee example that is now being drafted into Finn’s ‘new big room!’. I bought this on an early trip to Ikea not long after it opened its doors in the UK in the early 90’s. An ex boyfriend (Danish coincidentally) lived in Warrington and many a trip was taken to the Ikea there for bits and bobs. Then, as a student I bought small moveables- such as the box I refer to and picture- they used to sell mountains of these! I gave these away as pressies a lot. Instead of the naked ply I would varnish and sand and fill with lavender bags!!! Friends of mine got these as 21st presents!

Also pictured is the knick knack shelf for want of a better name. These are part of life in Scandinavia- everyone has at least one and not just children. People use them to display wee treasured things and not I should add with such ridiculous enthusiasm as my son and I do. They will have maybe four or five things strategically placed, not the coloured paper (result of a snowy winters day craft morning!) every box full extravaganza pictured here. Anyway you try buying one of these in Ikea now- or anywhere for that matter- very hard to track down!

So these musings came about as I have spent a lot of time in said store recently planning and buying furniture for Finn’s new room. It all seems very good quality and apart from the odd drawer David found it ok to put together and pretty good quality. Will follow with some pics when we get finished. Oh and if anyone has any spare old Ikea stuff going a begging…….

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