Monday, 12 November 2012

Should I ever find that rare thing....

There was point a few days ago when a song came on the radio, Nik Kershaw's Wouldn't it Be Good to be precise, and I was instantly catapulted back in time.  It was an eye wateringly perfect rush of feeling, the feeling I had when I was 15,16.  That cusp of everything feeling.  Nothing has ever felt so perfect, so optimistic and so open to experience and possibility as it did then.  So much of my character, the novels I love, the music and art that defines me, my influences I guess, were discovered and anchored down in those formative years.  Those years formed me and although I won't ever get that shiny new, invincible feeling back again the realisation that I can still mainline back to it was a salve to my middle aged self.

That is me in 91' taken by talented friend and confidante from those early days, Jacqui McIntosh


  1. What a wonderful photo! I love how music has the power to transport us back in time. And you're right, although we keep on changing through our lives, the things we love at that formative teenage time stay with us at a really deep level. Great post Jo. x

    1. Thanks Rachel, Yes that song for me means Pretty in Pink, definitley one of my all time favourite films. You know that top I am wearing, I loved it so much, I kept wearing it until it was a tattered rag. Bit os a creature of habit! Thanks for commenting, Jxx

  2. Wow. I thought that was a photo of a glamorous old-time movie star! Fabulous photo.

    I know the feeling you're describing. Funny how sometimes I forget about all the things which I felt so passionately about when I was younger. Wonderful how music can take you back.

    1. Thank you so much. I think it was a prototype goth look, it did develop a bit but this was the start of it! Yes for me this was my very formative years - good times, Jxx

  3. Yes amazing picture - and what a great one to keep and treasure. Mine are all with dodgy perms and puffball skirts - so not a good look! And you are so right about books, music and film and how they influence and shape the person you are to become in adulthood. x

    1. Thanks Jen, Yes I went down the gothic route but there are quite a few dodgy pictures as well!I appreciate you commenting, I am sure you looked gorgeous in that puffball skirt, hope your week is going well, Jo xx

  4. Gosh I thought it was taken back in the 20's it really has a feeling of silent movies about it. Gorgeous post jo xx

    1. Thanks Lou, it was an attempt at a Siobhan Fahey look if I remember right!!! Just a freak accident it looks a bit 1920's _ see I should have kept quiet about that! Thanks for commenting and hope you are well, Jo xx

  5. Strangely, those were the very worst years for me. I hated the time spent at school and pressures of having to look a certain way, being teased for not knowing too much about music, having a very copycat style. Oh yuck, just thinking about it makes me feel funny.

    I'm 21 now and feel so much better and sure about myself. I guess we all have that moment at different times :)

    Your photo is beautiful! x

    1. Hi Emma, So sorry I made you feel a bit yuck - I feel bad about that. I guess I always have been an outsider and in a weird way I took comfort from being 'different'. Well we are all different and I am so glad you feel better more sure now. I think I have regressed a bit in my old age (I'm 38 now)right enough - I am much less confident these days. Thanks for visiting and commenting I really appreciate it so much, Jo xx

    2. I just spotted your reply. Please don't apologise! I didn't mean it in a bad way, we all feel that way about some stage or another don't we? I think it's a good time we all have the self assuring time at different stages otherwise there would just be a wave of grumpy/clueless something year olds walking about :P It's nice to have a reminder that i'm happy :) x

  6. What a lovely post Jo ... and that photo is simply stunning ... you look like a beautiful black and white film star ... one to treasure ... so right about music transporting us through time ... have a wonderful week ... Bee xx

    1. Thanks Bee, yes see my admission in relation to Shakespeare's sister above!I did have gothic tendencies from an early age! Hope your week is ticking along and some lovely things are happening, Cheers Jxx

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, its a lovely photo. My friend is such a good photographer. You should see her pictures these days, really amazing, hope you are well and you week is good, Jo xx

  8. You look beautiful and glamorous in that photo, just lovely. I know totally about what you mean about music taking you back and how wonderfully right you feel at a certain age. Oh the invincibility of youth! I was at uni when Nik was giving us his all and I was pretty certain I knew everything that was important. I see it now in my daughter and it makes me smile. Thank you for your lovely comment on my post x

    1. Thanks Karen, Its a very flattering angle and Jacqui is good!You know I was talking to David about this post and we both agreed we are looking forward to seeing our kids when they get to that age. I really love when you talk about your children, Karen. Hope your week is going well, Jxx

  9. Some songs just get you that way, don't they? Songs (and smells) can take me straight back to a certain moment and feeling with such intensity. That photo is wonderful, you look gorgeous. x

    1. Thanks Gillian - yes that feeling of intensity is so good to get back to! I appreciate your kind words and hope all is well with you, Cheers Jxx

  10. You're so beautiful in that photo, and still now I have no doubt. You've kinda put into words a blog post I tried to write a while back, about how I felt when I was 14/15 and about how I changed about a year or two later, not much but enough to lost that 'spark' or something, and the only person who noticed was my lovely, middle aged nerdy history teacher, who kept asking me if I was ok, bless him. Well, I was ok, more than ok, but I went from being able to achieve/do/be ANYTHING to being a normal grown human being, and that sucks a bit, doesn't it? Think we're around the same age give or take a couple of years btw. X

  11. Hey thanks Anna and lovely of you to write this. It's funny I have been reading your blog a bit recently and really connected with your words. You have inspired me to read a book and made me laugh a lot in recognition of crazy days in the past! So thank you and I will get round to adding my comments soon. I have thought about writing about this time in my life before but it took that blast of music to give me the right words to do it and I'm glad it resonated you and others. Thank you and hope to converse again soon jx


It is always amazing to know you read and comment - so thank you very much.