Sunday, 9 September 2012

Retro China Fix

Its been too long right? A good friend surprised me with the cups and jug a few weeks ago. Great finds and a very much appreciated gift.


  1. What a lovely present! That's a very nice vintage china collection you've got going on there, I'm loving the blue and green theme, my favourite. xx

    1. Thanks Rachel- yes those colours are just right to me. I just gravitate towards them! Loving you on Pinterest now I have figured it out! Jxx

  2. Your friend knows your taste very well! I love the bright blues in the mugs. x

    1. Thanks Gillian- yes it was very kind of her and all this was amidst a busy childrens party with rice crispies everywhere(they were in a large bucket for wee ones to scoop in for presents!!!). She is a very cool (and brave) lady! Joxx

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Col- it was sooo kind of her, Jo xx

  4. Love love love it all. And you know what's funny? On the weekend you posted this, I had picked up a little bowl in the same style as that jug from a charity shop in Scotland for 50p! I love it. Apparently it's J & G Meakin - there's loads of it on Ebay (not that I've been looking!). x


It is always amazing to know you read and comment - so thank you very much.