Thursday, 31 May 2012

Summer Now and Then!

Then it was a wee hankie with knots- the quintessential Scottish kiddo's sun hat- now its a new pair of Birki's and some fab Barry M 'Mushroom' varnish!

Happy Jubilee weekend when it comes,

Jo xx

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Summer Jewels

A random snap from the last wee sunny while here, capturing my current favourite summer baubles- a beautiful coloured glass bracelet from Cornwall and a vintage 70's number I have had forever.

Hope your week is going well- halfway through tomorrow! Yes!

Jo xx

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Scottish Summer!

This is how the last few days have gone here in Glasgow- yes it is hard to believe! We have all loved living outside a little more than we usually can. Even the ginger babies, ladled with sun cream have coped- so rare is such lovely, even weather up here!

So Friday afternoon in a friend's garden and the wee ones playing, Mums reading mags and drinking coffee. Sorry I have to get it in here- another once in a thrifting lifetime purchase of a Dansk tiny taper candle holder yesterday morning. A visit to the local school fund day in the afternoon and  interspersed lots of paddling pool garden fun and a family barbecue.

Already it looks like another lovely day so enjoy what is left of you weekend everyone and remember I love it that you visit and take the time to comment. It means a lot to hear your thoughts and stories.

Jo xx

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Thursday Update

It has been a busy time round these parts. I am a lot sorry I don't seem to have time to write longer posts these days. Writing what I see as longer pieces is important to me- I need to carve out a little more time somewhere!

But for now- this was small bits of this week. My folks came back from their two week Madeiran holiday- with some great gifts. Including a sweet wee doll for Nevie. Here is a bit about the rest:

1. A grubby faced wee doll for a bubba.
2. Recent finds and another cool Aunt Moira gift of a chair for the wee ones- The Hornsea dragon mug?? Not sure but its my good green colour!
3. N at the dentist- she is not keen!
4. Tonights tea- Mary Berry's salmon and couscous filo pie. Salad missing but was yum!

Happy weekend when it comes, Love Jo xx

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Petit Collage

Loving this just a little bit too much just now! Found it via the ever faithful mecca for all things 'wowly' My Owl Barn.

It is by Petit Collage and available here. Check out their blog too.

Jo xx

Monday, 21 May 2012

Sorry more coffee pots.....

A lovely surprise pressie from my Aunt- the very one who bought me the matching casserole dish! You gotta love Meakin's 'Topic' pattern! Happy Monday everyone, Jo xx

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Just because!

Just because I like how much the new table runner fits in on my old Ercol table!

Hope you are all having a great weekend, Jo xx

Friday, 18 May 2012

Friday's Find!

Yes I am a demon for a bit of Hornsea. Even the brownest of brown range has a loving home with me! This morning the wee one and I had some errands to do and of course popped into the charity shops. Where I luckily found FOUR fab Hornsea mugs. Two blue and two green. The second green one missing in the picture is currently by my side with a coffee in it! I now have six matching the two 'Bronte' ones pictured behind the green.

A good start to the weekend and happy Friday everyone, Jo xx

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Till Tuesday

I will keep this short as it has been a whirlwind day- but in a good way and still a million things to do before I finally sit down!

Suffice to say in between playgroup, nursery, library visits a walk in the woods and a trip to the park the 70's pudding quest continues unabated! This Tuesday Hot Swiss Trifle- and it is a whole lot tastier than it sounds. I also made it with 'free from' Swiss roll and soya custard. It was much less temple achingly sweet than I remembered from my childhood- but just as yum!

1. The boy bored with food prep.
2. Can you spot the nice vintage Swedish table runner- a recent Ebay win.
3. Leftovers.
4. The door from the woods back to our garden.
5. The path in the woods we walk on.
6. A new stash of cookbooks to read (small boy stocked up on Horrid Henry- groan....).
7. A much wanted and finally found little mermaid for this Bridge obsessive.....

Saturday, 12 May 2012

And the boys one!

Ta da! Second box and for the boy this time. I actually think that I like these patterns, especially the orange one, the best of all. Can you imagine a wall of the orange paper- I would LOVE that!

Hope you are all having a fab weekend, the sun is shining here so all is good.

Jo xx

{Vintage wallpaper from Littleteawagon}

Friday, 11 May 2012

Catch up- Holiday Monday

Holiday Monday was wet so we took the kids to the Sea Life Centre down at Lomond Shores. They loved it and even the little one was fascinated by the sea creatures. Lomond Shores has a shopping centre which has just opened an antique shop. I saw a few nice things- even the kiddos liked looking round it! Result!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

And She Loves It!

Forgive the photos, the Bubba's room is quite dark being at the side of the house. Here is the finished wee drawers and both the little one and I are so happy with how they turned out. I cannot claim the credit for the beautiful patterns of the vintage paper as they were bought from the delightful Jane at Littleteawagon. (she picked them for a wall of vintage paper and she has fab packs available of the leftover paper) Please check out her shop it is lush!

I used a craft glue to adhere the paper on- a lot of vintage wallpaper is vinyl so it is pretty hard wearing- ideal for wee hands!

Hope your week is going well- not quite caught my breathe yet but more soon I promise.

I do so appreciate your visits here and that you take the time to comment- it means a lot.

Love Jo xx

Monday, 7 May 2012

Catch up

Its been a busy few days and I have a bit of a catch up to do! David was away Saturday night and we were super busy Sunday and the holiday Monday today. Of that- more to follow when I catch my breath.

These pictures are from Friday;

*Walk in our bluebell woods{We have a gate at the end of our garden onto local woodland}.
*The kiddos lunch- favourite mats, bowls and plates!
*Latest thrifting- lovely tile board, great sludgy 70's colours with a wee bit of sparkle.
*Our Friday night salad- oh yes and the dry roasted again.........

Friday, 4 May 2012

Vintage Wallpaper

Ahhhh the possibilities! This vintage wallpaper pack is from Littleteawagon. A beautiful Etsy shop with so many great things. Thanks to Caroline at the lovely blog Scraps of Us for putting me onto it! Looking forward to the arrival of this package!

Jo x

{Image from Littleteawagon. Thank you}

Thursday, 3 May 2012

The Best Bus

Its the main favourite round here- cool as Mama and Dadda love campers too. And the best bit no batteries!

No Tuesday post this week soooooo but lets get a Friday one to make up for it- are you looking forward to the weekend- yeah I am too! jo xx

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


This little Staffordshire flower pot was languishing on my windowsill with an ill fated Aloe Vera plant in it. Mmmm plants not my strong point and a case of over watering later well I have said flowerpot all washed up and back on display!

 And you know what it is a dead ringer for Lou's beautiful Spring Flowers. Its gonna live here for a while I think!

Jo x

{Spring Flowers by Little Green Shed}