Friday, 14 June 2013

Weekend Reading

Happy Friday everyone!

Thanks to two of my favourite bloggers, Jen from Little birdie and Cherry Menlove I have some new reading.  Has anyone else noticed the bottom has fallen out of the secondhand book market?  You can get just about any paperback for as little as a few pennies these days either on Ebay or Amazon.  As someone who still likes an old fashioned paper book to read I have been indulging in some new (old) books.

These two are just brilliant and both written by wonderful women with unique and poetic voices. Please seek them out if you haven't already.

And yes, another cushion from Jane at Teawagontales.  Just because her cushion's are perfectly made, reasonably priced and the most amazing colours and patterns.  Thank you Jane. 


  1. Oh I'm so glad you have found Elspeth's book, it's fantastic. And thank you for all your kind words over my way recently, they are much appreciated. x

  2. Hi Jo ... I find Jane's shop a little addictive too ... enjoy your lovely new reads ... Bee xx

  3. There is no greater pleasure than browsing second hand books in a shop or market, they smell and feel amazing. And even better when you come away with a few treasures. x

  4. I love Susan Hill too and real books....hello from a new follower, found you via "my rainbow vintage home" I love your blog title too...
    bestest to you and yours
    Daisy j

  5. The look lovely. I too love a second hand book, anything with a feeling of history!

  6. Hello :) I'm looking for a good book to read in the school hols so will check these out x x enjoy your school hols x x

  7. Inspired reading finds, D x


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